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स्टील डेक शीट

52 एमएम स्टीलडेक 52 स्टील डेकिंग शीट

SteelDECK 52 Profile: Maximum length: 1030mm Crest height: 52mm Material: Zinc-coated steel Trapezoidal shape for easy overlap during construction Supports wet concrete, construction, and storage loads Custom lengths available Suitable for infrastructure, industrial, and commercial construction Cover width: 1030mm Total Coated Thickness (TCT): 0.8mm to 1.2mm Key features: Cost-effective, speedy construction, acts as permanent shuttering, stronger than conventional shuttering, enables casting of multiple floors, ease of installation with safety, greater corrosion resistance, provides a strong working platform for allied construction activities.

76 एमएम स्टीलडेक 76 स्टील डेकिंग शीट

Maximum length: 1030mm Crest height: 76mm Material: Zinc-coated steel Trapezoidal shape for easy overlap during construction Supports wet concrete, construction, and storage loads Custom lengths available Suitable for infrastructure, industrial, and commercial construction Cover width: 1030mm Total Coated Thickness (TCT): 0.8mm to 1.2mm Key features: Cost-effective, speedy construction, acts as permanent shuttering, stronger than conventional shuttering, enables casting of multiple floors, ease of installation with safety, greater corrosion resistance, provides a strong working platform for allied construction activities.

102 एमएम स्टीलडेक 102 स्टील डेकिंग शीट

SteelDECK 102 Profile: Maximum length: 1030mm Crest height: 102mm Material: Zinc-coated steel Trapezoidal shape for easy overlap during construction Supports wet concrete, construction, and storage loads Custom lengths available Suitable for infrastructure, industrial, and commercial construction Cover width: 102mm Total Coated Thickness (TCT): 0.8mm to 1.2mm